Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

American English Webinar: American English Webinar 4.3

Hello, good morning everybody!

How's life? I do hope you're doing good. Amen.

Well, this's my first cookie in this blog entry. hopefully, as EFL teachers or students, you can access this link well and you enjoy this webinar.

Fyi, this's a part of my lectures activities of TLTL subject at pascasarjana UNNES. It stands for Theories of Language for Teaching and Learning. Obviously, in that class, we learn some theories of language, English for this case, that can be applied in the classroom. As we know as EFL students, it is very important to know them, right? who knows someday we can be one of professional educator who has great competence of teaching.

please see this! and enjoy watching!

American English Webinar: American English Webinar 4.3: From Idea to Essay: Effective Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing https://adlonlinecourses.com/academic-writing-bwr110 Dear s...

Many thanks for Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd., my beloved lecturer and he is also the host of Viewing Webinar, for giving us this meaningful lecture.

Best Regard,

Yeni Ikawati